Keynotes and workshops … the Seven Summits, risk and adaptation, leadership in action

Expeditions to the Seven Summits are the pinnacle of team trust and ambition. Trust in one’s own abilities and a sense of stability allow one to face extreme reality.

Climbing the Seven Summits at the age of 26 was the event that brought me to speaking. Working in the technology field and mentoring startups contributed later on to additional experiences.

There is no shortage of advice, methods, tips, and tricks on productivity, success, and achievement of generic nature without context.

  • High performance comes from safety and awareness of limitations.
  • Project success is based on reducing risk and negatives.
  • Motivation is the outcome of friendly environment and effectiveness of action.

The obvious pace of everyday life and common expectations are an equal source of pressure and motivation that result from our initiative or necessity, in which certain tools can help.

  • Starting new projects and keeping focus and energy high,
  • Finding stability and confidence in the times of uncertainty
  • Using optionality and the Paretto principle in management,

The adventure project which made me a keynote speaker started with a rescue hellicopter and finished in exactly the same way.

The value of sport and adventure lies in their ability to give us the means and sense of control and achievement regardless of abilities. We can engage in them alone or as a team, professionally or as an amature. Last but not least, it can be something completely voluntary, done for its own sake.

  • The 7 Summits are spectacular, but the gym is regular,
  • From amature to the achiever and back again.
  • Lighting the fire of sport and adventure in all generations.

Regardless of the activity we enjoy, it is something were we can maximize our natural talents and abilities. It is not always possible in more restricted or formalized aspects of life. Experiencing inevitable losses or setbacks is mostly safe practice without major consequences of unfortunate accidents.

Extreme sports or ideas: leadership, trust and persuasion

How to gain the trust of supporters in a project that carries real life risks, or can become a new successful business? Organizing your team and keeping motivation high. Managing ambitious individuals in a team-oriented endeavor. What makes a blind person seek a risky adventure with a highly visual experience?

Leadership: Getting started to get things done

How to manage your energy during long and important projects after the initial burst of energy? Making good leaders to get things done. How to motivate yourself and others when it seems that everything has been done or discovered?

Technology and humans: friends or foes?

Computers are getting faster and robots are starting to replace us. We all want to cut back on working time to spend more time with friends and family, but exactly opposit is happening. The technology used to create solutions in one area can destroy them in another. How can we use technology to reinvent or adapt what we do for the future.

My notable appearances include:

  • TEDx Presidencial Palace, Global Entrepreneurship Week.
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Oxford University
  • Rotary Club, Young Presidents Organization (YPO),
  • Heineken, ING Bank, Abbott Laboratories, Abbvie, Shell,
  • Digital Health Days.

What you get from me as a speaker

I work closely with organizers to ensure your objectives are met, and the audience walks away with useful knowledge ready to be used in practice. I speak from experience, and therefore can use my resources to create custom content or support other activities.

  • Promotional webinar before or after the event,
  • Additional research of the topic presented,
  • Custom content to encourage people to attend your event,
  • Resources connected to the topic to be used by the participants.